Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Redefining and Living the Word Responsibility_Freshman AU1 In-class Blog Post

When it comes to taking responsibility, I have not usually appreciated or enjoyed the idea. Even though, I realized that by taking responsibility for something like getting a project done or working with people, that I would also be gaining opportunity to learn, I also felt pressure having to do something. It’s like, one day I would look at my future and think, I’m free to do as I please. Then the next day (having to be responsible for something), I would experience myself as tied down, pressured and no longer free to do as I please. For example, earlier this week I received an email from my boss indicating that he wanted me to (take responsibility) for writing some more online classes, MOOCS. Immediately, I started feeling as though I were under pressure. I agreed to do the writing and now it’s my responsibility to get it done by early next month. I will; however, I would like to change myself in relation to the word responsibility - from an experience of being pressured and tied down to a living expression making the best of this opportunity by doing the best I am able, herein living to my fullest potential.

Dictionary definition of responsibility:
  • Responsibility: the state or fact of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
My redefined definition of responsibility:
  • An opportunity to deal with, do for or do unto something or someone as best I am able in consideration of what is best for me and others.
How I plan to live my definition of responsibility

Firstly, in terms of writing these online lessons, I no longer view it as a burden or something that ties me down. Instead, I recognize being asked to write these new online lessons (and getting paid to do it) as an opportunity to do something I enjoy doing, writing, while also inputting a message into the world system. My message (in terms of artificial intelligence, the first MOOCS) is that … I will write about that. Furthermore, whenever the point or question of taking responsibility comes up, I commit to consider the opportunity associated with it. Herein, instead of experiencing myself as being tied down or having to do something, I will see myself as fulfilling that opportunity, which is a part of living to utmost potential.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

SAU3 Blog post 4: How am I Preparing for a Big Earthquake

Although I do not often think about what to do in case of an emergency such as a very large earthquake, I do think it is important to have an earthquake plan. Therefore, in this blog post, I am going to write a very detailed earthquake plan. In other words, this is what I am going to do to incase there is a very, very large earthquake in my area.

First of all, before I go to bed every night, I make sure that I know where my wallet, phone, shoes and clothes are. Why? Because there may be broken glass on the floor. Therefore, I need my shoes and if there are no lights, I still need to find my clothes and put them on. As I live on the second floor, I would probably just run outside as quickly as possible.

Sometimes after a big earthquake, there is no water for a few days or even weeks. Therefor, I have enough drinking water in my apartment/dormitory for at least a week. Also, if the telephones are not working, I have already agreed with my family to meet them at/in…

Finally, if there is a really big earthquake with a lot of damage, I will...

Monday, November 27, 2017

SAU3 Blog post 3: What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose?

In order to answer the question, “what is the meaning of life”, I am first going to define the word, life. From the point of defining what life is, I will then write about my purpose within and as life.

Supporting Sentences
In my opinion, life is everything that is here. In other words, everything that is, is of life. Furthermore but this doesn’t mean that everything is living. For example, a stone is of the life that is here, but I would not say that a stone is living - at least not from my perspective. Or perhaps a stone is living, I’m not sure.

As for my purpose within and as life, I would say that it is to live to my fullest potential. What do I mean by “fullest potential”? Thus, what defines life is the relationships of each one of us to everything that is here. In terms of why am I here, it’s simple. I am here to live life to my greatest potential (潛在).

SAU1 Blog post 1: What is the Meaning of Life and What is my Purpose

In order for me to answer the question, what is the meaning of life, I first have to define life - at least a little bit. Furthermore, in order for me to answer the question, what is my purpose, I first have to give myself a purpose. Why? Because when I was born, I didn’t come with an instruction book. Nobody told me what I was supposed to do with my life or even what life was all about. To tell you the truth, I’ve always felt very alone and I’ve always had more questions than answers. Perhaps it’s time for me to define my questions and create my own answers.

I guess life is a matter of relationships wherein each one of us have an opportunity to decide who we will be, which is how we are in relation to one another. In other words, the meaning of life is that which we give it as the life of yourself in relation to the live of others. For example, if I care about others and I am kind and considerate in relation to them, everybody and all things, then the meaning of life for me is the words, care, kindness and consideration. However, if I were to put self-interest first in relationships with others, then the meaning of life for me would be one of self interest and greed. Herein, I now see that if I want life to be kind, caring and considerate, then it’s my responsibility to live as best I am able the words kindness, caring and consideration (as the life of myself) in relation to all life.  Thus, I would say that, the meaning of life is however we define it as we live it.

As for my purpose, that’s easy. I propose to live life to my greatest potential. What is my greatest potential? It is to be as best I am able to be in relation to all life.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Thomas' 200 word Self Introduction Speech and/or Blog Post

Hi! My name is Thomas and I was born on an Indian reservation in Oklahoma during the  last years of what is called the Baby boomer generation. Although I love all of my brothers and sisters nowadays, back then it seems that we fought and argued a lot - at least until I was about 14 years old. That’s my life changed in a big way for the better.

As a child, my life was not so wonderful. My mother had 6 children and when I was 7, my dad decided that he didn’t want to be a dad any more. Yea, we were poor, so poor that I sometimes had to eat peanut butter for dinner and didn’t see my mom nearly as much as I would have like to. She seemed always to be working or driving my other brothers and sisters to gymnastics practice. Nevertheless, she was and awesome mom.

At the age of 14, I somehow got me into a private high school and that’s when my life began to change for the better. With role models and a structured environment, I realized that I was not only very athletic, but also very intelligent. When I graduated high school, I was first in my class.

From there, I began to travel and I eventually settled in Taiwan. Although I do not have a huge amount of money, I have everything I need and as far as I am concerned, my journey is just beginning.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A very (adj) Person

The view from Asia University, 5th floor of I-Building

Today I want to write about a very (adj) person and his/her name is (name). The reasons I think (name)  is such a (Adj) person are as follows.

Firstly, s/he (what is the first reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

Secondly, (what is the second reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

Finally, (what is another reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

In conclusion, I hope that one day you will know someone like (name). I’m glad to have such a (adj) friend/mother/father…
Today I want to write about a very cool friend whose name is Oyang.
Today I want to write about the coolest mom. Her name is ___, but I just call her mommy.
Today I want to write about my favorite teacher whose name is Thomas. The reasons I think Thomas is such a cool teacher and a nice person are as follows.

Firstly, he

Sunday, October 22, 2017

SAU3 Blogpost 2: A Very (adj) Day

Even though I thought it would be just another normal day, it turned out to be a (adj) day and this is why.

It was a __day morning/afternoon/evening in (month) of (year). The reason I thought that it would be a horrible day is because… However, as soon as I got out of bed, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was… He/she said that … Of course, I replied that… Then, (say what happened). To be honest, I have never felt ____er in my life. I was so (adj) because…. Therefore, whenever I think about this day, I always remember it as a ___ day

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

FAU3 Blog post 1: Eating Traditions in Taiwan

In Taiwan, the staple food is rice and people usually have at least 3 meals per day. For breakfast, many people like to eat dan bing or egg pancake. Dan bing is egg wrapped inside of a pancake. Sometimes, people like to eat it with cheese and/or ham. It tastes delirious and I also like to eat dan bing, but I usually eat fruit for breakfast because I'm watching my weight and trying to eat more healthy food.

For lunch, there are so many different choices. For example, you can ____, _____ or _____. Most people probably have _____, but I usually eat ____ because …

Dinner is also an important meal in Taiwan. My three favorite dishes for dinner are ____, ____ and ____.

In conclusion, In terms of eating, Taiwan ____ ____ ____...

FAU1 Blog post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction and What You Need to Know

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct on earth. Why is this import? Although extinction is a natural part of evolution, this time, things are very different and this is what you need to know.

Firstly, this mass extinction is related to the balance of the ecosystem. In other words, when one part of the ecosystem is weak or dies, other parts will also become weak and/or die. As this happens more and more, the rate of extinction also increases. Eventually, it is going to affect humans beings and this is one reason we need to do something about it.

Secondly, humans over fish and pollute the oceans, large parts of the oceans have begun to die off. These places called dead zones are huge areas of the sea where there is no oxygen. This means that nothing can live there. This is important because the oceans are like giant cleaners that clean the water and planet. If the oceans die, we die.

In conclusion, there is a lot that humans can do to stop this mass extinction and save the planet as well as humanity. However, in order to do this, we first need to become informed as to what's happening and why it's happening.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

FAU4 Blog post 1: My Three Favorite Dishes in Taiwan

Taiwan has so many delicious dishes that it is difficult to say which is the best three. Some people like (Three Cups Chicken), (Frog legs) and (Mapo Tofu) the best. However, I think (Beef Noodles), (Gong Bou Chicken) and (Braised Pork)  are the best dishes in Taiwan.

Beef noodles are made with beef, noodles and vegetables and I think it’s delicious because love/like beef soup.

Gong Bau Chicken is a little different. It’s made of chicken, garlic and chilies. d I like it because it's spicy.

Finally, Braised Pork is pork and I like it because it's so tasty.

Monday, October 2, 2017

GC&CL Blog-post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction Event

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct. 

Why is this big news, something that we should all take notice of? Because first of all, we humans are the cause of this extinction. Secondly, if we do not do something about it, humans may not be around in fifty years. Scientist are warning that the rate at which earth's species are dying off is not normal. In fact, by some estimates, species are dying off more than 100 times faster than they normally would. Furthermore, whereas smaller animal species would usually dye off at a faster rate, scientist are finding that larger animals such as whales and dolphins are disappearing at a disproportionately fast rate. Thus, we should investigate this more and determine how to solve this problem. 

Wufeng's Food for Everyone

Wufeng has been a center for fast food for a long time and there are hundreds of different restaurants to choose from. People who like noodles will never be disappointed in Wufeng. For expensive noodles that are not so delicious, try Su-ren rd. However, if you want traditional beef noodle soup, you should go where the locals go - the outdoor places nearby the Earthquake museum.  For people who hotpot, The Pot is a place to try. If you like ice, you also will not be disappointed in Wufeng.  In conclusion, if you're a hungry university student or just an ordinary person looking for some cheap, yummy fast food, come to Wufng where there's something to eat for everyone.

SAU1 Blog Post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction - It's Happening Now

Current Ocean Dead Zones Strikingly Similar to Cretaceous Period Mass-Extinction Event

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct. Why is this big news, something that we should all take notice of? Because first of all, we humans are the cause of this extinction. Secondly, if we do not do something about it, humans may not be around in fifty years. Scientist are warning that the rate at which earth's species are dying off is not normal. In fact, by some estimates, species are dying off more than 100 times faster than they normally would. Furthermore, whereas smaller animal species would usually dye off at a faster rate, scientist are finding that larger animals such as whales and dolphins are disappearing at a disproportionately fast rate. Thus, we should investigate this more and determine how to solve this problem.

SAU3 Blog post 1: My Favorite City in Taiwan

Although, there are many wonderful  cities in Taiwan, my favorite one is (name of city) because of the ___a___, ____b___ and ____c___.

In terms of (a), (name of city) is very special because... For example, ...Furthermore, ...

As for (b), (name of city) is so ____ that... (give 1-2 examples)

Additionally, if you like (c) you're really going to enjoy visiting (name of city). (give some examples)

In conclusion, if you like a, b and c, then you should really consider moving to (name of city).

Sunday, October 1, 2017

SAU3 Blog post 1: My Favorite City in Taiwan

Image result for images of wufeng taichung
Located in the center of Taiwan, Wufeng, Taichung has a nice climate and is a great place for for eating, sightseeing and hiking. 

For example, when I am really hungry for delicious night market food, I always go to Fengjia night market for the best stinky tofu in Taiwan. You can also eat chicken feet, frog legs and beef noodles.

When I want go hiking, I always go to into the mountains on the eastern part of Taichung. Bicycle riding is also very popular in Wufeng.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a great city with nice weather, good food and lots of things to do and see, then you you should really consider moving to Wufeng.

Monday, May 1, 2017

The Future as I Imagine It

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In the future, I think that many things will change. The three main  changes that I would like to see for the future are in the fields of transportation, medicine and communication. For example, I think that people will travel very differently. Cars will not use gas and they will not drive on land. Instead, cars will use magnetic gravitation technology ton fly in the air.
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In terms of medicine, I also think that a lot is going to change.
Pharmaceutical companies will no longer be allowed to force people to take vaccinations that make them sick. Instead, plasma technology along with super computers will be used to balance the body and the mind. This technology will help to live much longer. Finally, changes in the internet will change the way we do everything. Blockchain technology will bring accountability to the internet. In other words, no one will be anonymous, there will be no more secrets. This will eliminate much of the abuse that takes place on the internet.

In conclusion, I think the future will be much better for humanity and a lot more fun than it is now.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan

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Asia University, located in Taichung, Taiwan is famous for its beautiful buildings, super smart students and very friendly instructors. People from all over Taiwan and many parts of the world come to visit AU for various reasons. While some people come to consider studying at AU, others just like to walk around campus, talk to the people and see the sights. If you are planning to study in college, Asia University is one of the best places to do. Firstly, they have a great academic program with many subjects to choose from. For people that just want to see the sights, AU has some very cool buildings.
   「asia university, taiwan」的圖片搜尋結果
In conclusion, if you want to study or just walk around, come to Asia University, you'll be happy you did.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Big Challenge in Life

Image result for the miller school
When I was 14 years old, I decided to go to a boarding school.
It was a big challenge for me, because I had to live away from home. Furthermore, my new school was not a normal school. It was a military school, only for boys. At first, I was really scared because I was alone and did not have any friends. Everything was new to me and I didn't know what to do. After a while, I began to learn how to do things at the school. I joined the football team because the coach said I was a fast runner. Eventually, I learned how to do everything very well. When I graduated high school, I was at the top of my class. I received many awards. It was a big challenge for me and I'm glad I did it.

When I was __  years old, I decided to ________ ____- _____. This was a big challenge for me, because __ ____ _____ -_______( say why it was a challenge). At first,  ----- ----- ------  ----- -- - - - - - - - - . Give details or explain. I (say what you did next). As time went by, I 
When I ---- / Finally, I .....

This was a big challenge for me and I feel so .....

Thursday, March 2, 2017

My Favorite Activity

「eating out」的圖片搜尋結果
Many people enjoy staying home and watching TV. Others like to play basketball or some do other physical sports. Some people even like to go to the library in their free time.  I think those activities are somewhat boring. My favorite activity has always been Going out and eating with my friends, because there is nothing more special than sharing food with good friends.

Body/supporting sentences (3 ideas/exampl

  1. Whenever I get the opportunity to eat hotpot with my friends, I always say ____ beacuse ...
  2. Additionally, going to the night market is another way I like to enjoy myself. (Say what you do there).
  3. Finally, nothing beats going to the ____ and V-ing.

Whether it's (1) v-ing, (2) Ving or (3) Ving, my favorite activity has always been ___.