Thursday, October 26, 2017

A very (adj) Person

The view from Asia University, 5th floor of I-Building

Today I want to write about a very (adj) person and his/her name is (name). The reasons I think (name)  is such a (Adj) person are as follows.

Firstly, s/he (what is the first reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

Secondly, (what is the second reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

Finally, (what is another reason you like this person? Why is this person special?) … . For example, … (give one ore more examples)

In conclusion, I hope that one day you will know someone like (name). I’m glad to have such a (adj) friend/mother/father…
Today I want to write about a very cool friend whose name is Oyang.
Today I want to write about the coolest mom. Her name is ___, but I just call her mommy.
Today I want to write about my favorite teacher whose name is Thomas. The reasons I think Thomas is such a cool teacher and a nice person are as follows.

Firstly, he

Sunday, October 22, 2017

SAU3 Blogpost 2: A Very (adj) Day

Even though I thought it would be just another normal day, it turned out to be a (adj) day and this is why.

It was a __day morning/afternoon/evening in (month) of (year). The reason I thought that it would be a horrible day is because… However, as soon as I got out of bed, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the door, I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was… He/she said that … Of course, I replied that… Then, (say what happened). To be honest, I have never felt ____er in my life. I was so (adj) because…. Therefore, whenever I think about this day, I always remember it as a ___ day

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

FAU3 Blog post 1: Eating Traditions in Taiwan

In Taiwan, the staple food is rice and people usually have at least 3 meals per day. For breakfast, many people like to eat dan bing or egg pancake. Dan bing is egg wrapped inside of a pancake. Sometimes, people like to eat it with cheese and/or ham. It tastes delirious and I also like to eat dan bing, but I usually eat fruit for breakfast because I'm watching my weight and trying to eat more healthy food.

For lunch, there are so many different choices. For example, you can ____, _____ or _____. Most people probably have _____, but I usually eat ____ because …

Dinner is also an important meal in Taiwan. My three favorite dishes for dinner are ____, ____ and ____.

In conclusion, In terms of eating, Taiwan ____ ____ ____...

FAU1 Blog post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction and What You Need to Know

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct on earth. Why is this import? Although extinction is a natural part of evolution, this time, things are very different and this is what you need to know.

Firstly, this mass extinction is related to the balance of the ecosystem. In other words, when one part of the ecosystem is weak or dies, other parts will also become weak and/or die. As this happens more and more, the rate of extinction also increases. Eventually, it is going to affect humans beings and this is one reason we need to do something about it.

Secondly, humans over fish and pollute the oceans, large parts of the oceans have begun to die off. These places called dead zones are huge areas of the sea where there is no oxygen. This means that nothing can live there. This is important because the oceans are like giant cleaners that clean the water and planet. If the oceans die, we die.

In conclusion, there is a lot that humans can do to stop this mass extinction and save the planet as well as humanity. However, in order to do this, we first need to become informed as to what's happening and why it's happening.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

FAU4 Blog post 1: My Three Favorite Dishes in Taiwan

Taiwan has so many delicious dishes that it is difficult to say which is the best three. Some people like (Three Cups Chicken), (Frog legs) and (Mapo Tofu) the best. However, I think (Beef Noodles), (Gong Bou Chicken) and (Braised Pork)  are the best dishes in Taiwan.

Beef noodles are made with beef, noodles and vegetables and I think it’s delicious because love/like beef soup.

Gong Bau Chicken is a little different. It’s made of chicken, garlic and chilies. d I like it because it's spicy.

Finally, Braised Pork is pork and I like it because it's so tasty.

Monday, October 2, 2017

GC&CL Blog-post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction Event

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct. 

Why is this big news, something that we should all take notice of? Because first of all, we humans are the cause of this extinction. Secondly, if we do not do something about it, humans may not be around in fifty years. Scientist are warning that the rate at which earth's species are dying off is not normal. In fact, by some estimates, species are dying off more than 100 times faster than they normally would. Furthermore, whereas smaller animal species would usually dye off at a faster rate, scientist are finding that larger animals such as whales and dolphins are disappearing at a disproportionately fast rate. Thus, we should investigate this more and determine how to solve this problem. 

Wufeng's Food for Everyone

Wufeng has been a center for fast food for a long time and there are hundreds of different restaurants to choose from. People who like noodles will never be disappointed in Wufeng. For expensive noodles that are not so delicious, try Su-ren rd. However, if you want traditional beef noodle soup, you should go where the locals go - the outdoor places nearby the Earthquake museum.  For people who hotpot, The Pot is a place to try. If you like ice, you also will not be disappointed in Wufeng.  In conclusion, if you're a hungry university student or just an ordinary person looking for some cheap, yummy fast food, come to Wufng where there's something to eat for everyone.

SAU1 Blog Post 1: The 6th Mass Extinction - It's Happening Now

Current Ocean Dead Zones Strikingly Similar to Cretaceous Period Mass-Extinction Event

The 6th mass extinction refers to the annihilation or destruction of biodiversity  on planet earth that is happening now. In other words, just as so many species of dinosaurs when extinct 65 million years ago, so too are thousands, perhaps even millions of species now going extinct. Why is this big news, something that we should all take notice of? Because first of all, we humans are the cause of this extinction. Secondly, if we do not do something about it, humans may not be around in fifty years. Scientist are warning that the rate at which earth's species are dying off is not normal. In fact, by some estimates, species are dying off more than 100 times faster than they normally would. Furthermore, whereas smaller animal species would usually dye off at a faster rate, scientist are finding that larger animals such as whales and dolphins are disappearing at a disproportionately fast rate. Thus, we should investigate this more and determine how to solve this problem.

SAU3 Blog post 1: My Favorite City in Taiwan

Although, there are many wonderful  cities in Taiwan, my favorite one is (name of city) because of the ___a___, ____b___ and ____c___.

In terms of (a), (name of city) is very special because... For example, ...Furthermore, ...

As for (b), (name of city) is so ____ that... (give 1-2 examples)

Additionally, if you like (c) you're really going to enjoy visiting (name of city). (give some examples)

In conclusion, if you like a, b and c, then you should really consider moving to (name of city).

Sunday, October 1, 2017

SAU3 Blog post 1: My Favorite City in Taiwan

Image result for images of wufeng taichung
Located in the center of Taiwan, Wufeng, Taichung has a nice climate and is a great place for for eating, sightseeing and hiking. 

For example, when I am really hungry for delicious night market food, I always go to Fengjia night market for the best stinky tofu in Taiwan. You can also eat chicken feet, frog legs and beef noodles.

When I want go hiking, I always go to into the mountains on the eastern part of Taichung. Bicycle riding is also very popular in Wufeng.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a great city with nice weather, good food and lots of things to do and see, then you you should really consider moving to Wufeng.